How to convert Mysql Database to SQLite database?

I have found a simple way to convert the Mysql Database into SQLite database. Following are the steps:

  1. Open PhpMyadmin on your browser. (eg. http://localhost:8888/phpmyadmin)
  2. Select database and click on Export.
  3. Make sure SQL is selected as format and click go.
  4. Make a copy of the mysqlcode and store in a file db.txt.
  5. Download DB Browser for SQLite from .
  6. Create new Database and create table.
  7. Navigate to Execute SQL tab and copy the insert statements and execute the sql or import the insert statements from file db.txt and execute the code
  8. Finally, the SQLite database is ready.

If you have a simplier method to do this please do write in our comments section. Thanks.

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