How to solve MySql not starting in MAMP problem?

In mac if you have ever encountered a problem that MySQL suddenly stopped working then i have a solution to your problem. I have recently encountered this problem in my Mac OS Sierra. Apache server is working but mysql is not. The solution is to navigate to the mysql folder, in my case its,


and remove all the files except folders. Then restart MAMP again. This has perfectly worked in my case. Hope it helps you. If it helped please do not forget to comment below. Thanks.

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13 Comments on “How to solve MySql not starting in MAMP problem?”

  • Jessica wrote on 30 November, 2016, 21:12

    thanks so much!! it worked perfectly!

  • Diane Chan wrote on 16 January, 2017, 14:17

    Brilliant! Thank you so very much for sharing. Spent all day looking high and low for the solution. Various other fixes were not working. This did the trick for me and saved me a big headache. Again, many, many thanks. 🙂

  • Stefan wrote on 23 January, 2017, 11:37

    Thank you very much! This helped me a lot.

  • Mandeep wrote on 23 March, 2017, 1:12

    Worked great, thank you!

  • YOONBYEONGIN wrote on 27 March, 2017, 2:08

    Thanks You, It works!

  • Brian wrote on 17 June, 2017, 17:35

    Nicely done. Thank you!

  • Fiona wrote on 12 July, 2017, 7:45

    It worked but then my database disappeared as well. Now I’ve lost my entire WordPress site I was working on! I’ve Googled this issue and it has happened to others – I’d be wary to try this method!

  • Marc wrote on 31 July, 2017, 5:10

    Awesome! thanks for sharing.

  • deniz wrote on 10 August, 2017, 13:08

    Awesome worked very well!!!!!!!!!!

  • mikister wrote on 22 September, 2017, 6:27

    Thanks a lot. it works

  • Lark Aakarshan wrote on 25 September, 2017, 7:49

    Thank you very much. You rock.

  • Tom wrote on 16 November, 2017, 10:14

    Brilliant, worked like a charm.


  • green wrote on 21 January, 2018, 8:09

    thank you very much. i tred many things as said on other websites but this only worked. thank you very much

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