Solution to “No delete key in mac for deleting objects in gimp”

Hi guys today i gotta problem that i was learning gimp tutorials on the youtube and there tutorial says to delete object using delete key. But we all know that there is no delete key in mac system. Most of the work can be done with the backspace key instead of delete key in mac. However here deleting objects in gimp using backspace key is not working. So what is the solution:

Press fn + Backspace key.

Yes friends by pressing function and backspace key will delete the objects in GIMP.

Please don’t forget to comment if it helped you. Have a good day. 🙂

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6 Comments on “Solution to “No delete key in mac for deleting objects in gimp””

  • Sam wrote on 2 June, 2016, 22:40

    Thanks. This has been annoying me.

  • Pedro wrote on 21 October, 2018, 18:31


  • Emmanuel wrote on 21 December, 2018, 0:35

    thanks, this has been helpful !

  • Patrick wrote on 7 April, 2019, 21:46

    Thank you so much! I was struggling to make transparent backgrounds.

  • kanye west wrote on 5 May, 2019, 8:45


  • Akbar Bahaulloh wrote on 18 March, 2020, 14:39

    thank you so much.

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