How to solve “ERROR: Unreadable CAPTCHA token file” problem?
I came across weird problem while i tried to login in my admin login i.e. i could not login in admin panel after i transferred my hosting account. WordPress displays the error “ERROR: Unreadable CAPTCHA token file” while i tried to enter through login.
I came across two suggestions from the internet i.e.
1). Changing the file permission to 777 for the temp/TEMP directories in wp-content/plugins/si-captcha-for-wordpress/captcha
2). Changing the file permission to 777 for the cache directories within the same folder path.
None of above solved the problem (…but might solve your problem so try it first). So i tried to delete the folder si-captcha-for-wordpress and tried to login again. It solved my problem.
So i recommend all to try deleting and reinstalling the plugin if it has not solved the problem. 🙂
I think, this is server problem.